ghostgirl300 Avatar


Aboneler: 36
Arkadaşlar: 86
Videolar İzlendi: 403
Profil Görünümü: 1,451
I'm a 5'5 American girl born on the west coast, I've been into beast since I was pretty young, I've done stuff with my dogs many times in my life already and I don't think I'll ever stop, I love playing games, cooking and riding horses ! Not a big fan of reading but oh well ?
Cinsiyet: Kadın
İlişki: Tek
İlgilenen : Her ikisi de
Yaş: 25
Ülke: United States
Katıldı: 3 yıl önce
Son Giriş: 2 yıl önce
Henüz hiç bir etkinlik!
İşgal: Line cook
Hobiler: Dogs Girls Guys
Film: Horror Comedy Action Romance
Müzik: Metal Rap Techno Edm
Kitap: N/A
Ons Açın : Alot !!
Off Dön : Not very many tbh